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Introduction: The beauty of a woman’s beauty is defined only to show her husband. A woman does not have any value if she can not give a beautiful look to her husband. Giving happiness to the husband with a beautiful state on the organs can give you ecstatic and true bridal happiness. Women’s Angus, makeup and decoration materials have increased with the ages. Some of these decorative materials are used in Sharayi policy. Let’s know. Islam has given legitimacy to women’s decorations. But it should be only for satisfying the husband. It is not permissible for any kind of decoration to show a man. The tight fight is not adorned for any Muslim women who wear out after wearing a fine dress. Because it is mandatory to cover all the women in front of others. And these shades are a violation of the screen. Description: Hazrat Alqama bin Abu alqama narrates from his mother, once Hafsah bint Abdur Rahman came to his Fufu Ummul Mominin Aisha (ra). Then she wears a thin curtain. Amish (ra) broke it and gave it a thick veil. (Muwatta Malek 2/913, Hadith: 6) Abu Yazid Mujani (ra) said Hazrat Omar forbade women to wear Kabati (a white cloth made in Egypt). People said this skin is not seen in the skin. Health & BeautyHe said, ‘Even if the skin is not seen, the organs of the body will appear.’ (Musnaf Ibn Abi Shaibah, Hadith: 25288) But a tight and fine dress can be worn in front of the husband alone, a woman can wear. Wearing new models or fashion clothes will be valid only when it will work on screen and will not imitate a hero-heroine or unbelievers. Hazrat Abdullah ibn Amr Ibn al-As (ra) said the Prophet (peace be upon him) saw me wearing two garments, stitched by ‘Usphoor’ (small red-colored flowers) and said, ‘These are the clothes of the disbelievers. Therefore, you will not wear it. “(Muslim, Hadith: 2077) Even though the pants-shirt is not titrated, it is not permissible for Muslim women to wear it. Because pants-shirts are men’s clothing. And the damsel of men is cursed. Hazrat Abu Huraira ra. Narrated by: The Prophet (peace be upon him) has cursed the woman wearing the clothes of the women and wearing the clothes of men. (Abu Daud, Hadith: 4092) It is not permissible to use extra high-heeled shoes. Because after these movements people’s attention is attracted and they entice their reunion. Besides, there are problems in the movement of these shoes. There are many fears of falling. Allah Ta’ala said, ‘They should not express themselves in the splendor.’ (Sura Nur: 31) It is better for women to wear a pigtail or a jute tied head. It is not permissible to clot or lotion on the head. If the height and size of the trunk are seen from the back side of the cloth, then it is also not permissible. The hair cannot be long or long predicted, the duty of women to look at. Because the beauty of a woman’s beauty; It is forbidden to publish it before the progeny. Rasulullah (peace be upon him) said, ‘In my community of the last assembly, there will be some people whose women will be half naked; Their heads will be like a hammock (cobweb). You curse them because they are cursed. ‘It is forbidden to use artificial hair or wig to show hair more. Husband cannot be put on the head even if he wants. On the authority of Hazrat Ibn Umar (R), the Prophet (peace be upon him) cursed those women who wear a wig and ask for a wig. “(Bukhari, Hadith: 5937) For the beauty of women, women used to produce hair instead of black cloth. May be able to frame. Cutting hair for fashion is not legal. But the hair nozzle can be cut short if it is random. But not good at all. Because the beauty of the hair is more hair. It is not permissible to have husbands who wish to plug their foreheads or eyebrows on their forehead. Because, by this, it is changed in the creation of Allah, whose permission is not in Islam. In such a way it is not possible to draw designs or tattoos in the mouth or hands. Hazrat Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (ra) said, ‘May Allah curse the woman who insults her tattoos and those who make them, those who chew the eyebrows (plaques) and those who make the gap between the heart of beauty and those who are in the creation of Allah (Bukhari, Hadith: 4886) If a man has a hair on his cheek or lip like a beard, he is not responsible for it. Because, the permission to bring normalcy to the distorted organs has been given the rule. There is legitimation in Islam regarding the use of ornaments in the woman’s nose and ears. Likewise, wearing an ankle or neck is also valid. But if you are playing music, then it is not permissible to walk in front of the progeny outside the house. The use of lipstick, makeup, snow, powder, etc., directly to the harem object and harmful substances, is valid for the husband’s eyes and mind. Womanhood is a joy for her husband to always keep her eyebrow. That is why it is permissible for women to use alcohol and non-forbidden spirit-perfumes before approaching their husbands. Use of nail polish is allowed in nails. But it is necessary to remove it before the wudu. If you do not do the wudu. It’s a good time to use monthly days. Because it does not have to do ojoo-bath. It is best to keep the hands and feet of girls always clad with a housewife. Because it brings satisfaction to her husband’s entertainment. And there is no problem in taking it hard during bathing.

Conclusion: The woman will use the cosmetics of all the beads, for the sake of her husband, and not for anyone else. And it will be agreed.


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