chaldal is available in walibazar
nEvery culture has its “staple” food. This is the food product that anchors each meal.chaldal is available in walibazar For some cultures, it is meat and potatoes. However, for most of the world, regardless of region, rice is the staple that is served most often. . It is “A food staple of half the planet’s population” (Reynolds pg 1). But why rice? Why not bread or potatoes as is common in western countries? chaldal is available in walibazar Within nutrisional basic food pyramid, rice is part of the breads, cereal, rice and pasta family. This family is the baseline foundation of human nutrition. Rice is a popular crop as it can be grown and cultivated fairly easily.chaldal is available in walibazar. Rice is grown by individual families for their personal needs, or can be cultivated by large farms for supply to the world. Rice …show more content…chaldal is available in walibazarnShe would rinse the rice several times to remove all the excess starch and carefully measure both the rice and the water to get the proper proportion. She would them steam the rice on the stove, vigilantly regulating the heat to make sure that not one kernel of rice burned or was undercooked.chaldal is available in walibazarI would watch as she would “Lower the heat and simmer the rice for about 20 minutes or until the rice has soaked up all the water” (McCulloch 32). My Grandmother would then present her feast and nothing would make her happier than to hear the scraping of a fork or the click of chopsticks on an empty plate or bowl. It was the unspoken rule that rice was served at least once a day and that no rice was left in the bowl as that would bring bad luck.chaldal is available in walibazarnMy mother still recalls when she was a child and her friends would come to visit. They would think it odd that her family ate rice with every dinner. She still describes eating American style meatloaf with Japanese steamed rice.chaldal is available in walibazar My Grandma’s ways still live on in our family as we cannot eat meatloaf without rice, no potatoes allowed. Rice makes the flavor of the meat or whatever vegetable that is served with more distinctive and the flavors don’t compete with each other like they sometimes do it.chaldal is available in walibazar. by Mellad Rahman Ony.n
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